
chanel watches   The cabins are all on the upper decks

  "The cabins are all on the upper decks. The lower decks will be usedwholly for the equipment. I have had all the partitions ripped out, downthere, and the deck flooring lowered a little so that the elephants willhave room to stand. I have also had smaller wheels put on all the wagons.
  Had I not done so the wagons would not have gone in through theopenings on the sides.""What about the tent poles?" asked Phil. "You never will be able todrive a pole wagon on board.""You have an eye to business, I see. Have you noticed that the centerpoles are spliced this season?""Yes, I did observe that.""It was for the purpose of easier handling. The poles will all beswung to the upper decks in bundles. In the morning they will belowered to the wagons, which can be done without much difficulty. Allthe poles, except those belonging to the big top, will go out on the 'LittleNemo,nike free run 3 women,' as you have named her. At first, handling the show will be a littleawkward, but we shall soon get the hang of it and fit into the newarrangement just as if we had been always traveling on boats. Travelingon the water,rolex submariner replica, you see, we shall be able to show on both sides of the riverall the way down, which we could not do were we traveling by train.
  That will give us a long season, short runs overnight and a fine outing.
  Everybody will be delighted with the change, don't you think so?""If not, they will be pretty hard to please, I should say," rejoined Phil.
  "Why, it will be a regular vacation--all summer!""How far do we go?" asked Teddy.
  "The length of the river.""To the Gulf of Mexico?""Yes. New Orleans probably will be our last stand of the season.
  That is, if we do not get wrecked on the big river.""We can swim out if we do," suggested Teddy.
  "I hope nothing of the sort will occur. I think our new plans willmake a great hit along the river.""They cannot help but do so. We shall have a fine business, Iknow," smiled Phil," and our rivals will be green with envy.""May we go on board?""I hardly think you will have time this morning, Teddy. You boys hadbetter get back to the lot now. I will let you run the show, Phil, as I shallbe busy most of the day arranging for the transfer to our new quarters. Ichose Saturday for the purpose, as it will give us plenty of time. Weprobably shall not get away from here much before daylight.""What boat do we berth on?""The 'Fat Marie,'" answered the showman, with a laugh. "I believeI'll have these new names of yours painted on the boats. They certainlymake a hit with me. Skip along, now!"Almost too full of the new plans to talk,cheap nike shox shoes, the Circus Boys hurried backto the circus lot. Mr. Sparling's surprise had been a surprise, indeed.
  By the time they reached the lot the news had been circulated that theshow was to take to the river, and the show people were discussingexcitedly the new plan.
  All was bustle and excitement, and the occupants of the dressing tent,who were preparing for the parade, crowded about the boys to hear of thenew boats.
  The Sparling show had never gone along with the snap and enthusiasmthat it did that afternoon. The performers were on their mettle and thelittle town was treated to a performance such as it had never seen before.

