Laura's eyes were so big. She said almost none of her acquaintances knew her grandmother, whonever went anywhere but to church, so there wasn't much danger of it getting back to her. The onlyperson she had told was her girl friend, who had shared her excitement.
Then, suddenly, we were in the Roseland's jostling lobby. And I was getting waves and smiles andgreetings. They shouted "My man!" and "Hey, Red!" and I answered "Daddy-o."She and I never before had danced together, but that certainly was no problem. Any two people whocan lindy at all can lindy together. We just started out there on the floor among a lot of other couples.
It was maybe halfway in the number before I became aware of how she danced.
If you've ever lindy-hopped, you'll know what I'm talking about. With most girls, you kind of workopposite them, circling, side-stepping, leading. Whichever arm you lead with is half-bent out there,your hands are giving that little pull, that little push, touching her waist, her shoulders, her arms.
She's in, out, turning, whirling,, wherever you guide her,fake montblanc pens. With poor partners, you feel their weight.
They're slow and heavy. But with really good partners, all you need is just the push-pull suggestion.
They guide nearly effortlessly, even off the floor and into the air, and your little solo maneuver is doneon the floor before they land, when they join you, whirling,fake uggs for sale, right in step.
I'd danced with plenty of good partners. But what I became suddenly aware of with Laura was that I'dnever before felt so little weight! I'd nearly just _think_ a maneuver, and she'd respond.
Anyway, as she danced up, down, under my arm, flinging out, while I felt her out and examined herstyle, I glimpsed her footwork. I can close my eyes right now and see it, like some blurring ballet-beautiful! And her lightness, like a shadow! My perfect partner, if somebody had asked me, wouldhave been one who handled as lightly as Laura and who would have had the strength to last through a long, tough showtime. But I knew that Laura wouldn't begin to be that strong,moncler jackets women.
In Harlem, years later, a friend of mine called "Sammy The Pimp" taught me something I wish I hadknown then to look for in Laura's face. It was what Sammy declared was his infallible clue fordetermining the "unconscious, true personality" of women. Considering all the women he had pickedout of crowds and turned into prostitutes, Sammy qualified as an expert. Anyway, he swore that if awoman, any woman, gets really carried away while dancing, what she truly is-at least potentially-willsurface and show on her face.
I'm not suggesting that a lady-of-easy-virtue look danced to the surface in Laura-although life did dealher cruel blows, starting with her meeting me. All I am saying is that it may be that if I had beenequipped with Sammy's ability, I might have spotted in Laura then some of the subsurface potential,destined to become real, that would have shocked her grandma.
A third of the way or so through the evening the main vocalizing and instrumental stylings wouldcome-and then showtime, when only the greatest lindy-hoppers would stay on the floor, to try andeliminate each other. All the other dancers would form a big "U" with the band at the open end.