
  Here--go get yourself a Sunday bonnet that'll make allthe other girls mad

  "Here--go get yourself a Sunday bonnet that'll make allthe other girls mad," he said, looking at her with asheepish twinkle in his deep-set eyes; and sheimmediately guessed that the unwonted present--the onlygift of money she had ever received from him--represented Harney's first payment.
  But the young man's coming had brought Mr. Royall otherthan pecuniary benefit,louis vuitton australia. It gave him, for the firsttime in years, a man's companionship. Charity had onlya dim understanding of her guardian's needs; but sheknew he felt himself above the people among whom helived, and she saw that Lucius Harney thought him so.
  She was surprised to find how well he seemed to talknow that he had a listener who understood him; and shewas equally struck by young Harney's friendlydeference.
  Their conversation was mostly about politics, andbeyond her range; but tonight it had a peculiarinterest for her, for they had begun to speak of theMountain. She drew back a little, lest they should seeshe was in hearing.
  "The Mountain? The Mountain,knockoff handbags?" she heard Mr. Royall say.
  "Why, the Mountain's a blot--that's what it is, sir, ablot. That scum up there ought to have been run inlong ago--and would have, if the people down herehadn't been clean scared of them. The Mountain belongsto this township, and it's North Dormer's fault ifthere's a gang of thieves and outlaws living overthere, in sight of us, defying the laws of theircountry. Why, there ain't a sheriff or a tax-collectoror a coroner'd durst go up there. When they hear oftrouble on the Mountain the selectmen look the otherway,louis vuitton for mens, and pass an appropriation to beautify the townpump. The only man that ever goes up is the minister,and he goes because they send down and get him wheneverthere's any of them dies. They think a lot ofChristian burial on the Mountain--but I never heard oftheir having the minister up to marry them. And theynever trouble the Justice of the Peace either. Theyjust herd together like the heathen."He went on, explaining in somewhat technical languagehow the little colony of squatters had contrived tokeep the law at bay, and Charity, with burningeagerness, awaited young Harney's comment; but theyoung man seemed more concerned to hear Mr. Royall'sviews than to express his own.
  "I suppose you've never been up there yourself?" hepresently asked.
  "Yes, I have," said Mr. Royall with a contemptuouslaugh. "The wiseacres down here told me I'd be donefor before I got back; but nobody lifted a finger tohurt me. And I'd just had one of their gang sent upfor seven years too.""You went up after that?""Yes, sir: right after it. The fellow came down toNettleton and ran amuck, the way they sometimes do.
  After they've done a wood-cutting job they come downand blow the money in; and this man ended up withmanslaughter. I got him convicted, though they werescared of the Mountain even at Nettleton; and then aqueer thing happened. The fellow sent for me to go andsee him in gaol. I went, and this is what he says:
  'The fool that defended me is a chicken-livered son ofa--and all the rest of it,Fake Designer Handbags,' he says. 'I've got a jobto be done for me up on the Mountain, and you're theonly man I seen in court that looks as if he'd do it.'

